Vital Chosen to Deliver Heat Network for First Phase of £6bn Development

Vistry Partnerships have chosen Vital Energi to deliver the district heating network contract which will connect Meridian One - the first residential-led phase of the Meridian Water regeneration program - to the wider Enfield community.

Meridian Water is a £6bn major regeneration project which will deliver over 10,000 homes across the next 20 years. Vital Energi have been appointed to deliver the district heating extension which will add a further 2.5km of pipework to the network.

This is a development of national significance, so it’s very exciting to be involved in delivering the green infrastructure which sits at its heart. The lifecycle of a district heating network can be well in excess of 50 years, so it is essential that it is installed to the highest standards and can serve the community by delivering low carbon heat for many decades to come."

Ashley Walsh, Managing Director – Heat Networks

The Meridian One district heating network will connect into the wider Enfield network as it continues to expand across the borough, linking up multiple connections and bringing low carbon heat and hot water to customers.

Wash concludes, “The council made it clear that this heat network is primarily for the benefit of local residents and we will be installing it to the highest standards and implementing a range of quality control initiatives to ensure it will deliver year after year.  All welds will undergo ultrasonic testing, the pipework will be subject to pressure testing and hydraulic flush, and our solution includes a built-in alarm system which can identify developing network issues before they become a problem.”

Solution detail

In addition to connecting Meridian One, Vital Energi have future proofed the network to make it easier to connect future developments

Works are now underway and are scheduled to be complete in late 2022.

Solution detail