Vital Energi to Help Network Rail Meet Net Zero Targets

Vital Energi are delighted to have been appointed to Network Rail’s new decarbonisation framework. Network Rail are undertaking a decarbonisation programme which will make a strong contribution to meeting its carbon reduction target of being net zero by 2050 (2045 in Scotland) as part of the Government’s Road to Zero Strategy.

Vital have been appointed to the ‘Upgrades to Heating and Cooling Systems’ category of the framework which will see energy improvements delivered across Network Rail’s built assets in all UK regions.  Network Rail have already completed 150 energy audits which have identified opportunities to reduce carbon and energy usage.

This is a very exciting opportunity to work with one of the UK’s largest, best known organisations to decarbonise their assets and make a real impact on the UK’s green infrastructure. Network Rail have set some challenging targets, and now we are successfully on this framework we’re ideally placed to help them drive down their carbon emissions through improving their heating and cooling infrastructure.”

Gemma Dyson, Vital Energi’s Proposals Manager

These potential projects can include energy conservation measures, such as insulation and improvements to pumps, sensors and building energy management systems as well as upgrading current heating systems to air and ground source heating pumps.

Vital Energi has been appointed to the “Upgrade Heating & Cooling System” section of the framework which will last for 5+ years.