York Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

York Teaching Hospitals - Energy Generation & Energy Conservation Measures

Executive Summary

Designed in the 1960’s and built in the 1970’s, York Teaching Hospital was typical of the opportunities for demand reduction and improved energy generation in the NHS. With a maintenance backlog, outdated lighting system and BEMS, Vital Energi were able to work in partnership with the client to identify and implement a range of energy efficiency measures and then design an optimised Combined Heat & Power (CHP) energy system.

  • stats-numerical
    £11m contract value
  • reducing-carbon
    3,000 tonnes of CO2 savings per annum
  • reducing-carbon (1)
    £850.000 energy savings per year
  • electricity symbol or lightning bolt
    100% of night time electricity demand met

Project Overview

York Teaching Hospital was designed in the 1960’s and built in the 1970’s, so there was large scope for demand reduction and using new technology to improve efficiency.  The Trust already had a high level of energy expertise in house and was clear that they wanted a CHP solution which would minimise carbon emissions and maximise savings over a 15-year period.

The hospital had used CHP engines in the past, which had come to the end of their lifecycle and had been removed circa 2010.  It was obvious, therefore that with the right partner, the Trust could make large improvements with demand reduction while generating more affordable and environmentally kind energy and power.

Our Solution

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Vital Energi practice a two-part strategy when it comes to designing an energy project.  Initially we focus on identifying self-funding and profit generating energy efficiency measures.

Vital Energi identified a number of energy saving measures which would bring real, tangible demand reduction and reduced carbon emissions going forward.  The hospital’s lighting was installed in the 1970’s and they were still using outdated T20 tubes.  We recommended replacing the 5,400 fittings with the more modern T5 fittings which can deliver savings of over 50% energy usage while producing increased illumination.  Vital also upgraded heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) control and expanded the existing building management system.

The contract also included investing in improving some faulty infrastructure and obsolete technology.  Early in the project Vital installed two plate heat exchangers, replacing two calorifiers, which fed the 16 theatres in the theatre block.  The condensate hotwell was also replaced, along with a transformer and HV switchgear.  All of these replacements and upgrades will contribute to improved reliability and increased efficiency.

Solution detail

The scheme has gone exceptionally well. The project not only satisfies a significant element of the estate’s and facilities directorate’s long-term CIP plans, but also satisfies our commitment to reduce the trust’s carbon emissions and meet our sustainability targets.

Andy Fairgrieve, Head of Estates and Facilities

We are getting healthy financial returns which are good, if not better than envisaged. We are in discussions with Vital regarding the roadmap to decarbonisation, it's a three way discussion between us, CEF and Vital.

Don Mackenzie, Energy Manager, York Teaching Hospital

Key Benefits

York Teaching Hospitals NHS Energy Upgrade

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